icon mapJuan Gualberto Gómez Airport - VRA

The VARADERO Juan Gualberto Gomez International Airport is located in Cuban province of Matanzas, more precisely in the small town of Carbonera located only a few kilometers from Matanzas City, and about 30 km (18 mi) west of the popular resort town of Varadero.

Address: Ave. Martires de Barbados Km 5, Carbonera, Matanzas, Cuba
Longitude : 81° 26' 07” W / Latitude: 23° 02' 04” N


Varadero Airport to Downtown Varadero: 28 km / 18 mi
Varadero Airport to Resorts Area: 25 to 42 km / 15 to 26 mi
Varadero Airport to Cardenas: 37 km / 23 mi
Varadero Airport to Matanzas City: 23 km / 14 mi

Varadero Airport to Jibacoa: 67 km / 41 mi
Varadero Airport to Havana City: 125 km / 78 mi
Varadero Airport to Cienfuegos City: 189 km / 118 mi
Varadero Airport to Santa Clara City: 229 km / 143 mi

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